Outside General Counsel Services
Even though business may be great, unanticipated issues can arise at any time, requiring regular advice from competent business counsel. Holman Law, P.C. prides itself on developing the kinds of relationships with clients that permit them to reach out to us with an issue and know that they will receive prompt attention.
Many start-ups and small businesses do not have in-house counsel. For these clients, we can act as "outside general counsel" and handle the daily legal issues, contractual and otherwise, that arise in the operations of their organizations. The experience of our attorneys as outside general counsel to companies gives us a clear understanding of the role of lawyer as part of the management team and the importance of managing daily legal functions in a timely, cost-conscious manner.
As part of this service, Holman Law, P.C. can handle the formation of corporations, LLCs and other types of entities, and regularly assist with corporate governance activities including annual meetings, board meetings and resolutions. We can help your business negotiate and draft employment and consulting agreements and associated nondisclosure agreements, and often advise with respect to employment matters.
Regardless of the task, Holman Law, P.C. will take a practical, businessperson’s approach to crafting workable, efficient solutions. We understand that our clients are focused on achieving specific business objectives, and are looking for us to present them with legal strategies that support those goals. At the same time, they are counting on us to identify potential pitfalls and to assist them in identifying and assessing their risks, a responsibility that we take very seriously. Providing our clients with appropriate protection while facilitating their operations, balancing “get it done” with “get it done right,” and doing it all with an eye to our clients’ legal budgets and cost constraints can be a challenging task, but it is one that we strive to achieve and is a skill at which we have become adept.
Contact us and let us know how Holman Law, P.C. can help you. To contact a lawyer at our firm, call (212) 481-1336, or toll-free at (866) 204-1020. You may also contact us by email.